What is the FCM?

Learn to bring biblical healing to a broken world with a 6-month FCM.

FCM course equips you to minister to the hurting, heal the broken, & restore the lost by first looking deep into your own heart. The process of being able to help others begins with becoming whole ourselves.

We have observed in our consultations that the root of most traumas and wounds in a person’s life began in a dysfunctional family or in a divorce generating abuse, abandonment, and rejection. We need to understand God’s plan for marriage and family, healing our emotions and our memory regarding the authority models that failed to properly influence our lives.

School Purpose

The Counseling School aims to train the student to deal with relational conflicts, whether personal or family, providing healing, restoration and relational maturity of the student. It also proposes to train counselors who can assist in the healing process.


Come to our family-focused campus and invest in learning the basics of Christian counseling. Find healing and transformation while being equipped to guide others through the same process. Master the art of conversation, learn about the factors that shape human development, and be a part of healing our broken world.

FCM lecture phase will be life-changing for both you and those you will minister to in the future.

I- Plumb Line

II – Plumb line (for children)

III – Orphanhood

IV – Trauma and abuse

V – The father’s blessing

VI – The power of forgiveness

VII – Born winner

VIII – Communication in counseling, etc.

*These subjects may change according to the needs of each school.

How does the school work?

In the morning the student has a quiet time with God and then has 3 hours of class. In the afternoon take part in small groups, maintenance, discipleship. At night has time for personal study, fellowship, and anything else they need. During this time the student is closely monitored by a staff of the school.

The school is divided into two phases:

3 Months – Lecture Phase: The student will have lectures from teachers from different parts of Brazil and the world, research, group activities, among others.

3 Months – Outreach Phase: During the outreach will be provided counseling experiences to improve their ministerial activities.


School Fees: U$1200

How to apply

Click here to  registration form.

How To Pay

Please make an international payment order via SWIFT – MT 103 to BBDEBRSPSPO, which is Banco Bradesco’s SWIFT code.

Jovens Com Uma Missão – CNPJ: 06132231/0001-35
Banco Bradesco – Agência 1342-0 – C/C 43512-0

You will be charged US$ 40 for the international transaction

When making the deposit please send vouchers for e-mail: fma@jocumpr.com.br


Beginning of the next school: April and September.

Where does it happen?

Ywam Almirante Tamandaré Base – Av. Wadislau Bugalski, 3826 Jardim Buenos Aires. Almirante Tamandaré – PR, Curitiba – CEP 83511-000

More information

Leader: Paulo e Ieda Silva
Cell Phone: +55 41 9 9770 9853
E-mail: ieda_silva@hotmail.com