What is ABC?

This course is part of the College of Counseling & Healthcare at the University of the Nations.
The ABC school is designed to help the student understand all the aspects of addictions and equip them in the field of recovery.

In the present day, we are being bombarded with the stress of a busy life and the need for success. This often leads to superficial relationships as well as dysfunctional ways of living.

We develop defense mechanisms that can lead to vicious cycles of addiction-related to work, sexuality, eating disorders, and more. We also develop coping mechanisms such as the use of substances like drugs and alcohol in our attempt to bring relief to our pain.

This school brings a mature approach and helps us to uncover these issues and to work with God’s strategies for recovery and the blessing of a full life. The school also covers other areas, including trauma and abuses that result from addiction cycles and codependent relationships.

As Christians, our challenge is to help people to focus on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross. As we do this, we can help people find freedom from addictions and other destructive lifestyles.


Having completed the DTS (Discipleship Training School) and the FCM (Foundations for Counseling Ministries) schools.

ABC Curriculum

  • Understanding Addictions
  • Group Counseling
  • Family Systems
  • Emotions in the Recovery Process
  • Emotional Dependence and Codependency
  • Trauma
  • Dealing with Abuses Sequelae
  • Recovery Models
  • Relapse Prevention
  • and much more . . .

These topics can be changed due to the demand for each school.

How does the school work?

The school consists of a 12-week lecture phase and an additional 12-week outreach phase.

The lecture phase includes times with teachers trained in important areas of concern related to addictions. Each student will participate in weekly groups that aim to help process the lecture phase information as they focus on personal development and growth. The student will have several academic papers and other evaluative activities that will be submitted to the University of the Nations.

The 12-week outreach phase is designed to help the student practice educational and preventive approaches in various sectors of society such as schools, rehab centers, churches, health centers, prisons, and other places of interest. Students will practice counseling skills and will also be evaluated in all their interaction in the various support group settings.

This phase will also be registered with 12 credits at the University of the Nations.

School Purpose

  • Provide to the student the understanding of concepts of addiction and recovery on physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
  • To train missionaries in the field, pastors in training, and the church in general to understand addiction and its various aspects.
  • To help in the understanding of addiction treatment and recovery, as well as effective approaches that prevent addiction relapses.
  • Enable understanding of recovery models (addictions & trauma) and prepare the students for an approach with mature and intelligent counseling for a practical approach of relevant issues to recovery.
  • Provide the opportunity for students to use counseling tools within the relevant ethical concepts, preparing them for interventions applied to issues of addictions, trauma, and recovery.


Inscription: $100

School Fees: $1200

This amount includes 3 books (to be used in the school) plus material received every week.

How To Pay

Please make an international payment order via SWIFT – MT 103 to BBDEBRSPSPO, which is Banco Bradesco’s SWIFT code.

Jovens Com Uma Missão – CNPJ: 06132231/0001-35
Banco Bradesco – Agência 1342-0 – C/C 43512-0

You will be charged US$40 for the international transaction

After the deposit has been made, the student must send the receipts to the following e-mail: eacv@jocumpr.com.br


Beginning of the next school: September 


Ywam Almirante Tamandaré Base – Av. Wadislau Bugalski, 3826 Jardim Buenos Aires. Almirante Tamandaré – PR, Curitiba – CEP 83511-000

How to Apply

Contact us and we will send the application form.

More information

Paulo e Ieda Silva

WhatsApp: (+55 41) 9770-9853 or (+55 41) 9800-0887
E-mail: eacv@jocumpr.com.br