What is YWAM?

YWAM is an interdenominational missionary and international organization that strives to mobilize and train Christians from all nations to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus. As part of God’skingdom, we are called to worship and obey our Lord and to love and serve his body, the Church, and bring his word to all people. Youth With A Mission was founded in 1960 by Loren Cunningham when he had a vision of large sea waves that turned into young people invading the earth’s continents. Since then, the purpose of all that join Youth With A Mission is to make the vision God gave Loren Cunningham becomes an undeniable reality. Currently, YWAM has approximately 17,000 volunteer workers full-time, working in nearly 1,000  locations in more than 170 countries. Each base is an extension of the University of the Nations, based in Hawaii, offering courses in various academic lines.

Our call is defined in the sentence

To know God and make Him known.

One aspect of this commitment is to proclaim the name of the Lord Jesus to all families of the earth. The YWAM staff have taught and evangelized from the most difficult and remote areas of the planet to the largest and most complex urban centers, distributing Bibles or giving lectures at universities and schools, visiting prisons, reaching with the Gospel people in large public meetings as religious festivals, Carnival and sporting events like the Olympics and World Cup.

In Brazil, we started our activities in 1975 with the couple Jim and Pamela Stier, in Contagem city, Minas Gerais. Today we have 53 offices and Missionary Training Centers spread across all regions of Brazil. Youth With A Mission brings together different people to work on different evangelistic activities. Among our missionaries, can be found young people, families, retirees, recent college graduates and post-graduates, people from over 100 countries and different denominations, new believers, pastors, and church leaders with many years of experience. All involved in these objectives:

Present Jesus Christ to this generation and the real possibility of relationship with Him, mobilizing the largest possible number of people to assist in this task; train and equip Christians to fulfill the Great Commission.

Each year more than 30,000 people participate in our short-term programs and training schools. Thank God, our mobile teams have visited and witnessed in all countries of the world.

We are currently about 16,590 missionaries, 1,300 of these are Brazilians, working fully in more than 1,100 missionary activity centers in 171 of the 238 world countries.

As citizens of God’s kingdom, we are called to love, worship, and obey the Lord Jesus Christ, to love and serve His body, the Church, and to present the whole gospel to the whole man, all over the world.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God and our rule of faith and practice by which we position ourselves.

To learn more about the history of Youth With A Mission, we recommend reading the book Is That Really You God? by Loren Cunningham.

  • The strategies and methods are very different

Radical sports; theater and body expression; music; arts in general; evangelistic impacts; personal evangelism other creative ideas given by God. You and your church can join us in any of these outreach activities or receive one of our teams to support and streamline outreach work, discipleship, or teaching. Day after day, our teams go out to the streets, climb hills, roam the slums or sail the rivers of the Amazon region where the needy ones are. We believe that the Gospel must go along with practical actions and bring transformation to the fulness of a person.

  • We seek to have a broad approach

Watching families through recovery centers, reintegration, and support for children and teenagers; in the areas of medical, dental, and homes for children affected by HIV, education, and vocational training; donating food, clothing, and shelter, among other things.

  • Faith Base

In YWAM, we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and be inspired by Him, revealing that Jesus Christ is His Son, that man was made in His image and likeness, and that He created us to have eternal life. Although all men have sinned and are far from His glory, He has made salvation something easy and accessible to all through the death on the cross and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ, which is the one that represents faith, love and obedience. Given the grace of God’s initiative toward us, the Lord desires all men to be saved and have knowledge of this truth. This is the act of the Holy Spirit, a fact that is demonstrated by the last command of Christ Jesus: Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16:15).